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BAA Club Training (North – Jun)

Ichiban Leeds 332a Meanwood Rd, Leeds, United Kingdom

Competition training preparing for the WSAF European Championships in Dublin. For information contact Bob Jones :07793 487 098 or email

BAA Exec Meeting

Details to be provided by the BAA Exec Committee.

Aiki Connections 10th Anniversary

Shogun Martial Arts Unit 2 Oyster Bay St Augustine’s Business Park Estuary Close, Whitstable, Kent, United Kingdom

Daitō-ryū emphasizes highly effective techniques for unbalancing, redirecting and controlling an opponent while using minimum physical effort or force.

BAA Coach Level 1 Course (Sept)

Ichiban Leeds 332a Meanwood Rd, Leeds, United Kingdom

BAA Coach Level 1 course presented by Bob Jones.

Bob Dziubla (8th Dan) at Ichiban, Leeds

Ichiban Leeds 332a Meanwood Rd, Leeds, United Kingdom

Special Training Night, with Bob Dziubla (8th Dan).

Bob is the head of the "Tomiki Aikido of the Americas" organisation.