WSAF Junior, Youth, Cadet and Senior European Club Aikido Championships
April 12 @ 10:00 am – April 13 @ 5:00 pm

The first Junior, Youth, Cadet and Senior European Club Aikido Championships
This championship will be held in Jaroslaw, Poland on the 12th and 13th April 2025.
The Worldwide Sports Aikido Federation in partnership with the British Aikido Association and Combat Aikido Association, Poland.
Primary School no 2, Street Jana Pawla II 26, 37-500 Jaroslaw, Poland.
Entry Fee : 30€ per person
This is a standard flat entry fee per person, irrespective of the number of events entered.
All UK participants to pay:
British Aikido Association (acting on behalf of WSAF)
Sort Code 40-37-04
Account 11459422
Aikido Events and age groups:
The child’s age is on the day of the competition (not closing date)
Junior Events
U10’s (under 10 years of age)
- Open Kata (10 techniques)
- Tanto Kakarigeiko (30 seconds, one Tori)
- Ninindori (three-person team 30 seconds each as Tori)
Youth Events
U13’s (aged 10-12 years)
- Open Kata (10 techniques)
- Tanto Kakarigeiko
- Ninindori (three-person team)
U16’s (aged 13-15 years)
- Open Kata (2 – 3 minutes)
- Tanto Kakarigeiko
- Ninindori (three-person team)
Cadet Events
U19’s Years (aged 16 to 18 yrs)
- Open Kata (2 – 3 minutes)
- Open Kata (2 – 3 minutes) Aikido Weapons
- Ninindori (three-person team)
- Women’s Tanto Randori
- Men’s Tanto Randori
Senior Events
19 years plus
- Open Kata (2-3 minutes, Kyu grade, open handed)
- Open Kata (2-3 minutes, Dan grade, open handed)
- Open Kata (2-3 minutes, any grade, Aikido weapons)
- Ninindori (30 seconds each tori – any grade)
- Women’s Tanto Randori in weight groups
- under 52 Kg Lightweight
- under 63 Kg Middleweight
- over 63 Kg Heavyweight
- Men’s Tanto Randori in weight groups
- under 66 Kg Lightweight
- under 81 Kg Middleweight
- over 81 Kg Heavyweight
Rules, Regulations and formats
Junior, Youth and Cadet rules will follow the already established European and British formats that have developed since 1977. The senior rules will follow the existing WSAF International format and rules.
The rules and regulations will be sent to all participant groups and posted on the WSAF Website
www.wsafaikido.org. The senior rules will follow the existing international format and Aikido Randori Rules (Regulations and Referee Signals – revised 30th Aug 2008).
The event is open to all Aikidoka and groups irrespective of association; affiliation or the style of Aikido practiced and is a truly an “open” competition.
Team Points
The competition is open to all groups and associations irrespective of style or affiliation. Team points for 1st (3 points), 2nd (2 points) and 3rd (1 point) place positions will be allocated to the participant’s club/country of origin/residence, the WSAF recognises nation states as the core participants of the event.
General Clarifications
- In all competitions the eldest participant will determine which age group can be entered.
- It is usual in WSAF Competitions for white Gi to be worn with only a club or national badge
- The size of Gi should conform to International Judo Federation regulations.
- Candidates can not enter events in multiple age groups
- Participants must make their own insurance arrangements
Application to take part
All Aikido entries to be sent to Bob Jones at jonesbinw@btinternet.com by Sunday 6th April 2025.
Late entries will not be considered.