The Official Newsletter of the BAA Edited by Lee Adams BAA Chairman
Issue No 3 March 2021
From the Chair
The government has recently released a roadmap out of COVID I’m sure you have already seen is but in case you haven’t it’s is expected that full training with no restriction will resume on June 21st, to help I have included some simple guides:-

From 12 April 2021(at the earliest) – All children will be able to attend any indoor children’s activity, including sport, regardless of circumstance. Parent and child groups of up to 15 people (not counting children aged under five years old) can restart indoors, classes can also start for individual or Family bubbles

From 17th May (at the earliest) – Adult indoor group sports and exercise classes some social distancing may be required by group sessions are allowed.

From June 21st (at the earliest) – the new norm
BAA Club News
The BAA was recently awarded the safeguarding in Martial arts award for governing organisations.
The BAA CWO Francis Burgess will shortly be issuing guidance for clubs to be able to get certified as a Safeguarding in Martial Arts club.
Club Child Welfare Officers – Can I also remind all club owners are required to have a nominated Club Welfare / Child Protection officer that has had an enhanced DBS check. If clubs do not nominate then it will be assumed to be the coach running the club, even though this is not ideal.
DBS checks – all instructors need to have an enhanced DBS checked every 3 years unless they subscribe to the Government update site. DBS checks from other organisation have to be enhanced and have to be accessible on the Government update site, otherwise they are no eligible, once lockdown restrictions are removed and clubs are running Francis will be following up with ALL BAA registered instructors to ensure these checks are in place and are up to date. Please note the cost of DBS checks is now £30.
For those clubs needing assistance in getting back into operation, the association have purchased some second hand mats in order to support new clubs in new towns/areas – if you are thinking of opening a club in a new town venue that does not have mats please contact the General enquires number at the head of this newsletter to discuss further.
BAA Membership Officer
Hi! I’m Matt Goodall, your new Membership Officer.
I’m based in Leeds and have been training with Leeds Central Aikido, currently based at Ichiban Dojo, for many years now. I also help coach kids and judge junior competitions.
As Membership Officer, my first job will to set up a new members’ database. Club coaches will have started to receive details of their club members which we’d like you to confirm so that we only enter up to date data into the new database.
At the Executive Committee Meeting in February the EC agreed that all memberships that were valid as between 01/01/2020 and 31/12/2020 should be carried forward another 12 months to 31/12/2021.
If you need any help with club or personal membership you can contact me by email at : or write to:
BAA Membership Officer
Ichiban Leeds
332a Meanwood Rd
BAA Membership portal/ Website/Social Media
Website progress is good and on target for release on 1st April 2021, In addition to the website we are also working on how we can use our social channels or BAA App to benefit our members with updates as well as ways for you to share your media, articles and questions.
We are looking into a safe way of sharing media with the BAA, so that this information can be distributed to other members, so whether it be a small club event or a large meetup (When we’re allowed to) we can advertise it for you I’m sure the BAA club and affiliate officers will be in touch soon.

BAA NGB Status and Mentoring Groups
The BAA are looking to apply for NGB status (National Governing Body) in the near future-all the preparation work has been undertaken including the development of a new three-year plan.
As Chairman I will keep you informed as to progress – this is a two-stage application and may take up to a year to complete.
Bob Jones is also developing several mentoring groups and has a few places on one based in the south of England- If interested in the scheme please contact Bob on 07793 487 098.
The groups will meet 2/3 times per year, have zoom conferences and be provided with a range of reading materials.
Competition News
WSAF news – the WSAF is looking to re-start competition next year with a European Open probably next May /June – negotiations are underway for location and venue and we should have something to publish by September 2021 at the latest. The next WSAF World Championships will be in Osaka during 2023. As part of WSAF developments the group are looking to achieve Fair play status – through Fair Play International and we are applying to WADA World Anti-Doping Agency to become signatories to their international code of practice.
The National team manager Natuley Smalle is I’m sure working on plans to get the squad back on the mat as soon as practically possible.
Competition is an opportunity to test your skill, all members represent the BAA when competing and your club instructor both during the events of the day and celebrations in the evening. Enjoy the thrill of the day but remember humility I have included these words
If you win, don’t boast of your victory,
If you lose, do not be discouraged,
When it is safe, do not be careless,
When it is dangerous, do not fear,
Simply continue down the path ahead.
Jigoro Kano
Looking forward to finally getting back on the tatami, so train smart and train safe
Lee Adams BAA Chair.