BAA Spring School Winchester Lido, Saturday 25th to Monday 27th May
A delightful course, providing excellent instruction from Lesley Hepden 7th Dan, Paul Wildish 7th Dan, Bob Jones 7th Dan, Nicole Anson 3rd Dan and Danielle Jones 3rd Dan, was attended by over 40 members over the three days.
Winchester is an excellent venue with a fantastic heritage with its wonderful Cathedral and historic market place. The hosts Francis Burgess and his club did an excellent job in looking after the participants with plenty of tea, coffee and home made food on tap.
Paul Wildish with extracts from the Goshin Ho to provide an insight into the syllabus elements of that kata whilst Lesley Hepden covered the first two sections of the Dai Rokyu.
Nicole Anson entertained with the Dai Ichi as well as a session on refereeing and judging skills.
On a different tack Tony Davis provided a detailed insight into Jo techniques from the Iwama school of Aikido and Danielle Jones demonstrated a selection of timing skills for randori as an extension and adaptation of Shodokan drill.
Bob Jones provided a Coaching Children course, which was open and attended by a variety of other Aikido associations.
In all, high quality instruction with variety and food for thought for everyone and many thanks to the Winchester Club for their
hospitality and hard work.